Fixed speed and red light camera locations are determined by the Department of Infrastructure and Transport (DIT), in consultation with SA Police (SAPOL). The camera site selection criteria aims to improve safety by enforcing speed limits and compliance with traffic signals at high-risk locations and also, through deployment widely across the network, to act as a more general deterrent.
Selecting a fixed camera site involves a four-stage process:
Higher priority is given to the following situations, depending on the type of fixed camera being installed:
- Sites with a high number of crashes in the past five years, with greater weighting for more severe crashes and those involving pedestrians
- Sites with more right angle and right turn crashes
- Roads with a greater number of lanes in both directions
- Higher speed zones
- Roads with higher traffic volumes
- Roads frequented by heavy vehicles
- Presence of crossings (e.g rail crossings)
- Presence of schools
Before a new fixed camera becomes operational, testing is carried out to ensure that the infrastructure, technology and processing complies with all legislative requirements.
A fixed camera will only become operational after rigorous testing has been completed.
Report speeding or red light running How mobile camera locations are chosen